At any given time, at least 70% of people in the world have some kind of dandruff problems. We all naturally shed our skin, but the excessive flakes of dandruff are an issue of embarrassment and frustration. People spend an amazing amount of money yearly on trying to get rid of our dandruff and even the efforts of dandruff prevention. It is normal for our bodies to shed skin, but the excessiveness of dandruff is one of those times that a remedy needs to be found.
Instead of spending money on the store remedies, it is worth your time to try some natural remedies first. In most cases, home remedies may offer the end results you are looking for, without spending a small fortune on the store bought chemical remedies constantly being advertised, especially with the average mild case of dandruff.
One way to control dandruff is by application of a vinegar and water mixture upon the scalp. This is a mixture of 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 6 teaspoons of water put all over your scalp right before bed. After the applied mixture, a towel should be wrapped around your scalp throughout the night. In the morning, make sure to rinse your head again with the same mixture combination of vinegar and water. For the best results, do this for a few months.
Another method is to mix 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice with 100 grams of witch hazel with 200ml of water and apply after shampooing your scalp. You will get the best results of curbing your dandruff after several more applications. The amount of applications depends on the mildness or severity of your dandruff to start with.
Another naturally effective way for dandruff removal is to wash your hair with warm apple cider vinegar and let it soak on your scalp for at least 30 to 40 minutes. Rinse with plain warm water and repeat periodically for a continuous positive result to permanently rid of your dandruff problems. Don’t be afraid to use strong smelling natural remedies like various vinegar mixtures, because the vinegar smells dissipate quite quickly and are well worth it for the final results.
Aloe Vera is another effective way to rid of your dandruff. Just apply the aloe Vera gel evenly onto your scalp and let sit for 10 to 15 minutes before your regular shampooing. This is a effective method of keeping your dandruff naturally under control.