Polari is a secret language that has been used by the LGBTQ+ community for decades as a way to communicate, socialize, and protect themselves from discrimination and persecution. The origins of Polari can be traced back to the British theater and circus communities in the early 19th century, where it was used by queer performers and artists as a means of self-expression and solidarity.

The word “Polari” itself is believed to come from the Italian word “parlare,” meaning “to speak.” It was originally a form of cant or slang used by criminals and the marginalized to communicate without being understood by those outside their communities. Over time, Polari evolved into a unique language that was primarily used by gay men in the United Kingdom, especially in urban areas like London and Manchester.

One of the key features of Polari is its ability to disguise and protect the identities of its speakers. By using a combination of English, Romani, backslang, Yiddish, and other languages, Polari created a secret code that allowed LGBTQ+ individuals to communicate openly amongst themselves without fear of being discovered or persecuted.

Polari was also used as a form of camp humor, with its exaggerated and colorful vocabulary reflecting the wit and flamboyance of queer culture. Terms like “naff” (awful), “zhoosh” (to make something more attractive), and “clobber” (clothes) became deeply ingrained in the LGBTQ+ lexicon and are still used today.

Despite its historical importance and cultural significance, Polari began to decline in usage in the 1960s and 70s as LGBTQ+ rights and visibility increased. The decriminalization of homosexuality in the UK in 1967 and the rise of the gay rights movement led to a greater acceptance of queer identities, making the need for a secret language less urgent.

However, Polari has experienced a resurgence in recent years as interest in LGBTQ+ history and culture has grown. From academic studies to popular media, there has been a renewed interest in unlocking the mystery of Polari and preserving it for future generations.

In conclusion, Polari is a fascinating and important aspect of LGBTQ+ history that has helped shape the community’s identity and resilience. By understanding and celebrating the rich linguistic tradition of Polari, we can honor the voices and experiences of those who used it to navigate a world that was often hostile to their existence. Let us continue to unlock the mystery of Polari and ensure that its legacy lives on for years to come.

By mike