As Dr. Don G. Pickney finishes up this series of teachings, he brings into context the vast difference between the agendas of “The Revelation of the Day of Jehovah Tsaba” and the “7-Mountain Mandate” error.
While it is true that both propose to be teaching about the end of this age, each arrives at a theological conclusion far from the other. Pastor Don calls their agenda “The Judas Error!” The reference suggests that the 7-Mountain Mandate held by the “apostles & prophets” movement, officially known at the New Apostles Restoration (NAR) has succumbed to the same concept that led to Judas’ eventual betrayal of Jesus.
Judas wrongly believed that Jesus, as Messiah, would cause the Kingdom of God (Heaven) to be “fitted” into the Kingdoms of this world, thereby causing Jesus’ disciples to be placed into a ruling position deposing the Roman rule and bringing peace for Jerusalem and the people of Israel.
No doubt, this mistaken belief caused Judas (& the followers of Jesus) to hear Jesus teachings in a mistaken light of context. They were certain he was to rise as a king over an earthly kingdom. It caused his teachings to be “skewed” in the minds of those holding to this “Judas Error.”
Today, a group have crept into the charismatic/Pentecostal part of the Church (including a scarce following within some in the Word of Faith movement) teaching that through their leading “Apostles,” whom they believe to be equal to the Apostles of Jesus’ 12 apostles, divine extra-biblical revelations are received as “new foundation” for the Church. Their doctrine distorts all traditionally accepted teachings of the end-times, including a “new kind of rapture” that disenfranchises a “caught up in the air to heaven,” event, replacing it with “a kind of emotional rapture at a “season of time” when they believe Christians will begin to (in succeeding exponential fashion) overcome death and be “translated” to immortality. By their erred doctrine, this can only begin to take place when “the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our God,” a statement found in Revelations 11:15, at the prophetic blowing of the “seventh Trumpet,” sounding the ending of the final judgments of God upon the earth, and the time of Christ’s coming to Earth for His Millennial reign.
They believe that under the Apostles ruling the NAR Church followers, ordained prophets of their movement have the powers of “Elijah” to shut up the heavens, to orchestrate who sits in seats of government, i.e. who wins Presidential elections, etc., and ultimately take over seven “spheres” of influence in world society, i.e. “government, media, family, business/finance, education, church/religion, and arts/entertainment.” Their erroneous doctrine holds that once all of these spheres of influence have been conquered by the Church, they will be able to “give permission” through a restored “adamic authority” for Jesus to return to earth and take over the “Kingdom of God” that they have restored in the kingdoms of this world.
They hold to a type of “restoration of wealth” in which they will have the riches necessary to take over the movie industry in Hollywood, the media/news industry, to rebuild the educational institutions with righteousness, etc., etc.Get ready for much revelation in this teaching!
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