If you opt for low-quality high heel shoes and wear them on a regular basis, they may deform your feet. On the other hand, the right pair can make your life a lot easier. In other words, you will walk for hours without feeling any pain in your feet. Given below are some shoe shopping tips that can help you opt for the right pair.
Do your Homework
First of all, you need to know that there is a lot of variety out there. But your job is to look for shoes that will be right for you. So, put aside a few hours to do your research. It’s not a good idea to give up hope. Patience has its reward.
Visit a Store
Second, you should go to a shop that specializes in traditional, sit-and-fit service. There you should ask the salesperson to take the measurement of your feet. It’s a good idea to guess your size. Over time, feet tend to change in size. So, you may want to check your shoe width.
Don’t opt for a pair if you are unable to move your feet inside a shoe. What you should do is get a toe box that has enough room for you to wiggle your feet in. For day-to-day walking, you may get a pair that features a heel size of up to one inch.
Flats are not always better
Some people make the mistake of assuming that flats are better. As a matter of fact, in most cases, they are not. Generally, flat soles may cause your feet to roll inward when you are walking. Ideally, you should get a pair that features in-built arch support, which will give your feet and ankles enough stability.
Shoe Hype
Some people think that high heel is not truly high heel if it’s not at least 3 inch high. The fact of the matter is that a heel that is lower than one inch is called a low heel. Similarly, mid-height refers to a heel that is around 2 inches high. And higher than two inches refers to a high heel.
Don’t buy High-Heeled Shoes for Day-to-Day use
Experts suggest that high heels should not be worn on a daily basis as they may deform your feet. Save them for special events instead. Actually, what happens is that they put too much pressure on your forefoot. As a result, you may develop a callus, pinched nerve, hammertoe or bunion.
Opt for Comfortable Shoes
If you want to be comfortable, go for a pair of comfortable sneakers. According to many reports, many models have deformed their shoes because of wearing high heels on a daily basis.
So, it’s better to give a higher priority to your health and get a pair of shoes that can give support to your feet and is comfortable at the same time.
So, these are a few smart tips that may help you avoid common mistakes when buying a pair of shoes.