Good Afternoon, Folks! I’ve been having reservations about Glenn Greenwald for quite some time, but I have been reluctant to write him off…until now.
You know why if you’ve watched the video, so here’s all the back up. Aside from the fact that Glenn Greenwald is now a “contributor” to FOX News, he has also positioned himself as an expert on trans issues. In short, Glenn Greenwald is a transphobe:
I know one when I encounter one. I have a transgender child.
He has a classic case of the affliction:
I am not giving this lot any more attention than I have to. I have absolutely nothing in common with lesbians and gay men who vilify transgender people. I have a hard enough time with straight people doing it.
I find it reprehensible when gay people do this shit. They have short memories of when it was DONE TO THEM. This is not just a philosophical disagreement. Many of these people are lobbying against rights for transgender people EVERYBODY gets the same rights. EVERYBODY. Regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, or any other fucking point. End of story.
These “canceled” people are canceled for a reason. They SHOULD hang out together because I sure don’t want to, nor do I wish to read any of their bile.
Finally, Greenwald went OVER the line with this position. He has confirmed for me what I have long known. He is a libertarian, and his viewpoint on money vs. saving lives during COVID proves it. And it also proves how little character and empathy he has. I’m done.
Bill Gates is indulging in eugenics? Really? I think it’s clear that Glenn Greenwald is openly proposing it.
Now a bit on Substack, the platform Greenwald holds court on:
He can #ShutTheFuckUp
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