Why Are People Gay?
Unfortunately, most attempts at answering the question, why are people gay, include ideologues making diatribes about three topics: 1) nature vs. nurture; 2) normal vs. abnormal; and 3) reproduction being sexual orientation’s purpose.
Rest assure, I am no ideologue and I will be making no diatribes about these three topics.
However, I am a scientist, who will be making empirically based expositions about these topics.
Besides being mean, diatribes about these topics are fundamentally flawed when initiated by the naïve question, why are people gay?
For these topics to make sense, they must be initiated by the relatively sophisticated question: Why do people have a sexual orientation?
Whether a person’s orientation is homosexual, heterosexual, bisexual or otherwise, is beside the point. The point is this, the answer to the question of why are people gay, is the same answer to the question of why are people heterosexual; or bisexual; or otherwise?
So, let’s find out why people have any sexual orientation.
For a complete transcript of this video, check out: https://medium.com/5-minutes-of-intercourse/why-are-people-gay-529901651e6c
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