Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill has been buzzing in the media, this video gives a comprehensive take on why it’s problematic by addressing what both the right and the left are saying about it.
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Why the Florida “Don’t Say Gay” Bill is BAD
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The Flipside Article: (not finished)
Thursday, March 10, 2022
Florida Education Bill
“Florida’s Republican-dominated legislature passed a bill Tuesday to forbid instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade… The bill states: ‘Classroom instruction by school personnel or third parties on sexual orientation or gender identity may not occur in kindergarten through grade 3 or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards.’” AP News
The bill also requires schools to “adopt procedures for notifying a student’s parent if there is a change in the student’s services or monitoring related to the student’s mental, emotional, or physical health or well-being and the school’s ability to provide a safe and supportive learning environment for the student.” Florida Senate
From the Left
The left opposes the bill, arguing that it will harm LGBTQ youth and those with non-traditional families.
“When children come from non-traditional families, they need to be seen and recognized, not treated as so weird and deviant that their parents’ relationship is unspeakable in school. When all the adults in a place are modeling exclusion and discrimination, kids will too…
“Whatever your views on LGBTQ rights and gender identity, barring teachers from even recognizing that gay people exist forces them to lie to their students and breaks down trust between students and educators. After all, millions of students nationwide have gay parents, siblings, friends, aunts, uncles and on and on. They watch gay celebrities on television and in movies. Many will identify as LGBTQ themselves. Barring the mention of reality doesn’t make reality cease to exist.”
Jill Filipovic, CNN
“[Sen. Jeff Brandes (R-FL)] [had] proposed an amendment that attempted to remove the perceived stigmatization of LGBTQ people in the bill while still meeting DeSantis’ objective. His amendment banned instruction of ‘human sexuality’ for children in third grade and under instead of singling out sexual orientation or gender identification. It had support from Democrats and LGBTQ advocates. But his Republican colleagues voted down the amendment… LGBTQ Floridians once hoped DeSantis could be an ally. Not anymore.”
Steve Contorno, CNN
“Republicans, in their eagerness to get the ‘don’t say gay’ bill across the finish line, revived a repulsive, homophobic myth: That queer people are pedophiles who recruit children…
“‘The bill that liberals inaccurately call ‘Don’t Say Gay’ would be more accurately described as an Anti-Grooming Bill,’ Christina Pushaw, DeSantis’ longtime press secretary, wrote over the weekend on Twitter. She followed up by saying that anyone who opposes the bill is ‘probably a groomer.’ The term ‘groomer,’ of course, is just another word for ‘child molester,’ as actual pedophiles are known to ‘groom’ their victims before assaulting them. But (I can’t believe this needs to be said in the year 2022) there is no evidence that LGBTQ people molest children at a higher rate than straight-identified people.”
Amanda Marcotte, Salon
“[These measures are] rooted in the anachronistic belief that discussions about gender and sexuality somehow endanger children. But for many LGBTQ kids, schools can be an important lifeline for information — and a source of comfort that they are not alone. In a recent survey, the Trevor Project found that 42 percent of LGBTQ youths seriously considered suicide in the past year. Eliminating mention of these topics will only isolate these children further and deprive students of a chance to learn about their identities and those of their peers…
“Proponents of such bills routinely invoke the bogeyman of school systems infringing on ‘parental rights,’ arguing that such conversations should be led by parents and families. Of course, parents have an important role to play, and educators should generally be mindful of parental concerns. These bills, however, are an intrusive attempt to restrict speech in schools. And just like efforts against the specter of critical race theory, they seek to expunge important truths about our history and world from classrooms.”
Editorial Board, Washington Post
From the Right
The right supports the bill, arguing that it is necessary to keep young children from being exposed to age-inappropriate material.