Sleep is an important part of our existence. After all, humans spend around one-third of their time sleeping. We’ve all been there in the dead of winter, with a frigid bedroom, and feet as cold as ice. You might put socks on because it’s chilly outside, but what about the rest of the year?
In today’s video, we’ll talk about why you should consider wearing socks before going to bed. Can socks help you sleep faster? What about preventing hot flashes? We’ll talk about all this AND more…
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#Sleeping #WarmSocks #Bestie
Intro – 0:00
1. Socks can assist with dry feet – 0:33
2. Socks allow you to fall asleep faster – 01:54
3. Raynaud’s (ray-nose) illness can be avoided by wearing socks – 03:06
4. Socks allow you to improve your circulation – 04:23
5. Hot flashes can be avoided by wearing socks – 05:29
6. Warm socks can help you stay healthy – 06:25
1. Socks can assist with dry feet
Sleeping with socks on can boost your physical and mental health. According to experts, sleep is needed for proper brain and body function. Most individuals have trouble sleeping from time to time. However, sleeping with their socks on is a tactic they may not have tried. As weird as it may sound, sleeping with socks on may help you fall asleep faster. This is because temperature control is an essential aspect of the sleep cycle.
2. Socks allow you to fall asleep faster
We’ve all spent nights tossing and turning. Sometimes, it seems like no matter how hard you try, you just can’t seem to catch your Z’s. Well, wearing warm socks at night can fix this problem.
3. Raynaud’s (ray-nose) illness can be avoided by wearing socks
Wearing socks when sleeping can help reduce symptoms of Raynaud’s illness. Never heard of it? Well, let me fill you in! Raynaud’s illness occurs when blood cannot flow normally. Factors such as stress or chilly weather may contribute to it. The attack causes numbness throughout the body, as well as acute discomfort and cramp-like sensations. The color of your fingers and toes may also turn white or blue.
4. Socks allow you to improve your circulation
This one’s really important. Sleeping with socks helps to enhance circulation by boosting blood flow to the feet. Healthy blood and oxygen flow is ensured by good circulation, allowing your muscles, lungs, and heart to perform properly.
5. Hot flashes can be avoided by wearing socks
Have you been having hot flashes lately? They can be so frustrating to deal with. Hot flashes are mostly caused by hormonal imbalances in the body because temperature management is not controlled. Since enhanced circulation lowers core body temperature, wearing warm socks at night can help you avoid hot flashes, especially in menopausal women.
6. Warm socks can help you stay healthy
Health should be one of our top priorities, especially during the pandemic. We’re always looking for new ways to combat sickness. Luckily, socks can help us here as well.
For more information, please watch the video until the very end.
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