We live in a society that in many ways, encourages people to separate ourselves from one another for where we live, how much we make, how we look and who and how we love. In addition to this condition of society existing already, it trickles even further down into out communities in even more ridiculous ways. One way that it manifests itself is through a feud that sometimes is created based on SOME black women hating on gay men for different reasons.

This, I will never understand, because gay men and black women (when involved together in friendships) develop some of the most loving and beneficial friendships that two people can have. On the other hand, the black women who disassociate themselves with gay men, tend to be some of the loudest, most aggressive and blatant homophobes that one could ever come across. This is something that I still find hard to understand. Perhaps it exists because of the attitude that some women already hold towards some other black men?? And the clash against what they feel is feminine energy?? Or perhaps they feel threatened by gay men??

We discuss this issue during this session.


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