Join A Tribe of Like-Minded Men + learn to Approach, Attract and Date your Dream Girl

Many of us find ourselves with low and diminished energy during the winter months, when it’s cold or raining, and our self esteem, as well as our social opportunities seem to diminish with the warmth of the summer. I advise you not to force yourself out of this ‘rut’, but instead to relish it, to accept it, and to use it to tackle undernourished areas of your life. Humans are animals, and like animals we have a hibernation instinct. The winter months provide an opportunity for reflection, for building the foundations of our life – rather than building our life outwards, we can build inwards. We are constantly told to ‘push forward’ and ‘pull ourselves together’, but all of this can sometimes act in contrary to what our minds and bodies require – introspection.


Sam has been coaching Men on how to effectively cold approach women in the day, for 5 years. Previously, Sam was working with students with ASDs (Autism Spectrum Disorders), ADHD, ADD, and Generalised Anxiety Disorders, before applying his knowledge of applied behavioral change to coaching neuro-typical Men. Having worked with many of the world’s top Dating and Social Skills Tutelage companies, Sam realized that the skill set and confidence to be gained from cold approaching regularly, had greater benefits to the individual than mere dates and relationships, that in fact it could be integrated semlessly in to anyone’s daily lifestyle, to the advancement of the individual’s social competence, self-esteem, and energy levels. As such, Sam created Fluid Social – a lifestyle improvement company, whose missions is to teach men the art and science of cold approaching, as part of a balanced, fulfilling and healthier lifestyle.
