Alice’s blue .. s e e m s 

the old Alice’s through .. 

Alice’s tired hiding .. 

b e a u t i f u l feelings inside .. 

flowers t h a t blossom .. 

p o w e r .. she’s imagining p o s s i b i l i t y 

towering i n heels .. 

she’s dressed red-hot .. 

she’s turning heads .. 

she’s wondering where this’ll lead .. 

she’s casting trances ..

her chemicals’ dancing 

she’s evolving so fast 

she’s resolved t o just 

listen to “the rhythm”

within ..Gomez’s clear — w h a t e v e r comes “n a t u r a l l y” ..

o r she’s clear blasts 

that don’t last .. 

s o many bastard males … 

masters t h a t go deeper 

t u r n i n g girls i n t o babes .. 

Alice’s leery chains . .

e v e r y t h i n g’s changing s o fast ..

part she avoided .. 

smart k n o w better .. 

f r e u d’s clear those 

t h a t suppress p o w e r f u l feelings 

o r she’s allowing n a t u r e to flow .. 

culture t h a t stresses oppression .. 

t i m e s she felt like losing control if .. 

ravishing beauties clear 

savages would enjoy devouring hot babes if .. 

novels she read growing up about 

women being ravished .. 

books her Aunt wrote 

took her breath away .. times

o r she stopped looking 

and became religious .. 

boddice rippers that frighten .. 

or thunder and lightning happens .. 

she’s understanding the madness .. 

sadness .. don’t you k n o w

“pseudo rape fantasy” .. 

shades o f grey .. 

girls m o r e gay .. 

or playful leery 

being entangled with one unstable .. 

Those t h a t label girls sluts afterwards .. 

high school bastards .. 

t i m e s life’s hell

o r college’s approaching .. 

call o f the wild .. 

and girls that h o p e 

getting l a i d before college .. 

n a t u r e’s calm calling 

Alice further down 

the rabbit hole .. 

s h e’s open to 

finding a whole new balance ..

religion t h a t inhibits .. 

nature that’s rabid .. times .. 

she once considered wearing 

a nun’s habit because 

t i m e s life s e e m s irrational .. 

o r times passion transcends 

rational .. and inna trance .. 

Shen t o l d Rainie Yang 

 妳太理性了.  . 迷人之處’s 

better translated trance 

Linda and Belinda understand 

w h e n chemicals’ dancing .. 

i t all seemed madness 

to Alice .. s u r r e a l 

h i g h s and lows .. so much sadness ..”catarsis” .. 

o r Alice’s Hypothalamus dancing 

n o w she understands 

“Rainie Yang Life show, episode 4 and..”

w o n d e r l a n d .. 

and neuro peptides dancing 

finding new receptors .. 

Alice’s becoming m o r e receptive 

burying h e r reputation c o m p l e t e l y .. 

and she’s blaming Taylor 

a n d who else .. 

t i m e s she feels like 

s a y i n g “l o o k what you made me do” .. 

Patty dismissed h e r mental .. 

saying s h e’d feel a whole 

l o t better i f 

she just g o t laid .. 

Alice i s crying . . .

l e e r y where this’ heading .. 

g i r l s that g i v e head 

a n d it’s red-hot 

until it’s not .. Alice is 

well read, Zhou-fen .. “影子情人”. .

t i m e s life is maddening 

s o many bad men,

like her dad .. 

Huang Qing Tian’s clear 

“可惡的爱情”     “lengendary Amazons”‘ clear

“the forbidden kingdom” 

or beautiful shiny apples . . 

p e o p l e clear love’s pull .. 

t i m e s cesspools or deadpool’s clear

people that go deeper .. 

a m o r amor la vida 

e s muy sencillo no .. 

amor o a veces el amor no es mas que un dolor 

e n tu cuerpo .. 

t h o s e going deeper or 

Perel u n d e r s t a n d s how times 

how sentimental love t u r n s off desire . . .f i r e 

w i l d and free .. 

Alice’s ventral tegmental relaxing . . .

maybe Patty’s right .. that 

she’s too mental .. 

and gentle side relaxing .. 

or gentlemen t h a t turn 

off girls .. l i f e 

s o many mentiras .. 

t o be con’t sueño
