Gay Man Shares Horrific Coming Out to Mom – “I Wish You Were Dead Instead of Gay”- Pink Planet tv

A Gay man shares horrific coming out to mom story, where she screams, “I Wish You Were Dead Instead of Gay” at her son. Frank, an openly gay man shares this tragic yet emotional story.

PinkPlanet: A Global Search for Gay Culture explores LGBTQ+ life all over the world to better understand the homosexual experience globally. From stories of trans life in Bangkok to words of wisdom from a 90 year-old gay pioneer, Pink Planet tv aims to entertain, educate and empower the global gay community through a panoramic view of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer shared experiences and stories.

Frank was preparing for a life in the closet but his mother discovered something in his bedroom that set off a chain reaction that altered his life forever. Watch as Frank comes to terms with being Gay and learns to cope with family expectations. Now, Frank and his mother have a wonderful relationship proving that “It Does Get Better”!

Aside from the Tragic Coming Out experience, Gay Trauma is also explained in the video that shows the lifelong emotional process of coming out to parents and the ensuing gay trauma that LGBT children deal with most of their lives.
