Save The Date! SLAM! Forum on Saturday, April 25, 2015!

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S.L.A.M! (Sex. Love. Asian Men!) is an interactive learning forum on sex, health, lifestyle and everything in between for and by gay/bi Asian men.

Date: Saturday, April 25
Time: 10:00am-6:00pm
Location: Society of Friends House (60 Lowther Ave.)

As Asian men, we were raised with distinct cultural values and beliefs that inform and guide our lives when it comes to talking about sex and sexual health. In a world filled with complex issues and conflicting messages, many of us receive information based on rumour and inaccurate perspectives. As a result, we may act on or make decisions that may lead to negative consequences.

This interactive forum has been designed to address some of the issues facing Asian gay and bi men in a fun and safe environment. It will be a great opportunity to discuss and share our experiences, skills and knowledge with our peers of all orientations in the spirit of mutual friendship. By exploring holistic and empowering approaches to our health (physical, emotional, sexual), lifestyles and identities, we as Asian men will be able to reaffirm our place in society.

Hope you can join us!

For more information, please contact:

Brian-Bao Ly
Men’s Outreach Worker
(416) 963-4300 ∙

Ryan Tran
Men’s Program Coordinator
(416) 963-4300 ext. 236 ∙

Richard Utama
Men’s Sexual Health Coordinator
(416) 963-4300 ext. 235 ∙

***Please note by ‘Going’ to this event does NOT mean you are registered. Please register at***


ACAS (Asian Community AIDS Services) provides HIV/AIDS education, prevention, and support services to the East and Southeast Asian Canadian communities. Our programs are based on a pro-active and holistic approach to HIV/AIDS and are provided in a collaborative, empowering, and non-discriminatory manner.

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