Our panelists are experts in elder care and specialists in cannabinoid medicine with first hand experience on the frontlines in California’s North Bay Area. We love that they’re always sharing their knowledge at medical symposia, events, webinars and podcasts Zoom.

Joining us on the panel to talk about anxiety and depression are

Dr. Phillip Grob, Geriactric Psychiatrist with 28 years experience. He’s a member of the Society of Cannabis Clinicians with an extensive practice in the Santa Rosa/Sacramento Area.

Geriatric NP & Pres. of the ACNA, Eloise Theisen, who founded Radicle Health in California’s North Bay Area, and is the Chief Nursing Officer at Leaf411, the first free national cannabis-trained nurse hotline.

AND Health & Wellness Director for The Lodge at Fountaingrove and The Terraces memory care, frontliner in the trenches, Marissa Goldman, LVN

We’re thrilled to have you all here today, let’s get into it:

Anxiety and depression are among the most common mental health complaints in the US.
According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), more than 6.5 million older Americans are dealing with depression on some level.

In the United States alone, the average rate of depression or anxiety since the start of COVID-19 is over 32%. Isolation depression remains a serious concern for seniors; particularly those living with dementia in care facilities, which are being hit hard by COVID.

The Alzheimer’s Association reports excess deaths in PLWD not related to the virus itself, but from the changes designed to protect them, that are increasing loneliness, depression, anxiety, isolation and unprecedented stress.

Going through the coronavirus pandemic has been a really challenging time for everyone in the world, but it’s fair to say, especially hard for our isolated elderly and their care partners.


#Cannabis #Dementia #Alzheimers

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