This week I talk about the importance of celebrating, why could you ask me? I know , this year has been the most difficult year of the last 50 years, probably, the world is not anymore like we left 1 year ago and so many things changed, unfortunately mostly negative but if I’m here my goal is to see a big picture about the present and the future.
Celebration is important in our life, birthdays, weddings and other parties, people love celebrating but this year is going to be so different than others but let’s think about the future most people want to run away from 2020 to go 2021, hoping it will be better and we can go back to a new normality.
I celebrate the resilience, I found in my self, my family, my friends and many people who did not complain and trying to accept the situation, knowing that at the end something will happen and I hope, something positive.
I celebrate the people around world who still fights for their rights.
I celebrate life.
Whatever your end goal looks like is almost irrelevant because success should also be measured by your journey. Celebrating the small achievements as well as the big ones and allowing yourself the time and space to recognise the things you’ve achieved and learned will go a long way for a more positive mindset.
Life shouldn’t be about always focusing on the next big audacious goal. Our greatest lesson of 2020 is to not fear failure, but to embrace it, to celebrate the moments and feed the desire and drive to continue on the the next.
LGBTQ people have to fight for their rights and courage is one the most important value.In my channel, I will talk about LGBTQ culture, issues, fears and how to overcome them, motivation ,relationships, dating, love and more, more and moreeee
Remember ” Be true to you”
#LGBTQ #gayxmas #gaymen
The importance of celebrating – (LGBTQ LIFE COACH & SPEAKER) – Personal Growth – Gay Family
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