The Truth Behind Seasonal Depression
There are a number of misconceptions when it comes to seasonal affective disorder. For example:
Myth #1
People suffering from SAD are depressed throughout the year. This may be true for some cases, but certainly not all.
Myth #2
SAD isn’t a serious condition and doesn’t require medical treatment. Depending on the severity of symptoms, SAD can be crippling, severely hindering a person’s ability to function normally.
Myth #3
SAD only occurs during fall and winter. While the majority of cases do occur during fall and winter, it is possible for people to suffer through the illness during the warmer months.
Myth #4
SAD only impacts people living in gloomy, overcast climates. The majority of cases occur more frequently in northern climates, however SAD can just as easily occur in warmer climates as well.
Myth #5
The only way to get through SAD is to ride it out until the seasons change. There are lots of techniques for preventing and lessening symptoms. Join me for Facing Seasonal Depression to learn more!