Stanley Kwan | 2001 | Hong Kong | 86 minutes | Mandarin with Chinese and English subtitles | U.S. Premiere of restored version
Meant merely as a diversion among his countless one-night stands, Handong’s sexual relationship with a sensitive college boy turns unexpectedly into something deeper – and even a life-changing initiation. Undeterred by Handong’s compulsive promiscuity and impulsive marriage, Lan Yu’s devotion cannot escape its unforgiving fate. Superbly acted by Hu Jun and Liu Ye, Stanley Kwan’s adaptation of an internet novel is a poignant portrait of a gay relationship filled with passion and deception, yearning and regret.
The 4K restoration was undertaken from the 35mm original elements by Yongning Creative Workshop in collaboration with L’Immagine Ritrovata and One Cool. The restoration was approved by director Stanley Kwan.
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