The term “dieting” has never really washed well with men. Research has shown that it implies femininity and negativity which is why manufacturers target weight loss products for men in a whole different fashion as opposed to the female weight loss market.

Originally an almost “taboo” subject amongst men, it’s only recently that the male audience has started to open out about their weight issues and focus positively on changing their dietary habits and daily lifestyle.

For men to really want to shred pounds, then the most important first step is to calculate your BMI – Body Mass Indicator – by dividing your weight (in kilo-grammes) with your height (in meters) squared.

Ideally you should aim for a body mas of between 18.4 and 24.8.

You may however have a high percentage of muscle and your BMI may be higher than this without you actually being overweight so measure your waists circumference to see if you need to shred a few pounds.

A measurement of 37 inches (94 cm) will mean that you are at an increased risk to health problems, whilst 40 inches (102 cm) will suggest that health risks are high.

The ideal body mass between the age 20 to 39 should fall between 9 – 20%, from 40 to 59 you should aim for 12 – 22%, whilst between the age of 60 – 79, a 13 – 25% body mass is considered the healthiest.

Most gyms will be able to measure your body fat if you feel your not getting it quite right.

Once you’ve established your BMI you’ve essentially made the most important first step in addressing your weight problem.

Whether your looking to tone up to improve your self esteem and boost your confidence or your weight issue is more serious and you are suffering from obesity, tackling this health risk from this very first step by focusing on your BMI through your weight loss work out plan is essentially the most positive way to go.

Source by Rob R Carmichael

By mike