Have you ever wondered why men pull away from relationships when they’re having personal problems? Maybe he’s having trouble at work, financial problems, and an illness in the family etc. Whatever the issue, a lot of men will begin to pull away from the woman in their lives when they are facing certain issues.

As a woman, you want to be there for your man when he needs you. The problem is, when a man is facing difficult times in his life he often prefers to be alone. You must not take it personally; men and women are just different. Generally speaking, when a woman has a problem, she wants someone to listen to her. She wants to talk about the things that are bothering her. She doesn’t necessarily want someone to solve the problem for her; she just wants someone to listen. Most men are exactly the opposite. They don’t want to talk about their issues, they just want some time to figure things out and fix it for themselves. That is a big reason why men pull away from relationships when they are under stress. They just want some time to figure things out.

If you are in the beginning stages of a relationship, the man you are dating may call, text, or e-mail less often when he has some issues he needs to deal with. In a long-term relationship, or even in a marriage, your man may need some time to himself and disappear to his man cave to figure things out. Sometimes men just need something to occupy their time for a while. A woman may think a man is wasting time when he is playing a videogame or tinkering with something in the garage, but a man who is dealing with issues in his life needs to do something that he finds relaxing and enjoyable to take his mind off things for a while. The last thing a lot of men want to do when they are having personal problems is to talk about their feelings.

It’s important to give your man the space he needs when he is having personal problems. Eventually he will figure things out and your relationship will return to normal. As a woman, it is important to understand that about your man. If he goes into his den, garage, man cave etc. he really doesn’t want you to follow him in there, trying to get him to talk about what is bothering him. If he tells you that things between the two of you are fine and that he is just dealing with some personal issues, give him the space and time he needs to work things out for himself.

Source by Kandi Moore

By mike