all the men in my gym are icons though, not a single creepy one, in fact none of these expressions are to do with a guy in my gym because none of them are silly enough to think that my arms are bare solely for their eyes to feast on. if this were the case u would think i could get past “hello” but i cannot. okay bye #fyp #gymtok #browngymgirl #girlswholift #gymhumor
♬ Hey Daddy (Daddy’s Home TikTok Remix) – dreamsoda
@sandsxfitness all the men in my gym are icons though, not a single creepy one, in fact none of these expressions are to do with a guy in my gym because none of them are silly enough to think that my arms are bare solely for their eyes to feast on. if this were the case u would think i could get past “hello” but i cannot. okay bye #fyp #gymtok #browngymgirl #girlswholift #gymhumor