Polari, also known as Palare or Polare, is a secret language that was used by gay men and other members of the LGBTQ+ community in Britain from the 19th century through the mid-20th century. It was a form of cant slang that was used as a way of communicating under the radar, without fear of persecution or discrimination.

The origins of Polari are somewhat murky, but it is believed to have emerged from a combination of English, Romani, Yiddish, and Italian influences. It was originally used by circus performers, sailors, and thieves as a way of communicating discreetly among themselves. Over time, it became associated with the gay subculture in Britain, particularly in urban areas like London and Manchester.

Polari was characterized by its distinctive vocabulary, which included a mix of English words that were altered or given new meanings, as well as words borrowed from other languages. For example, “bona” was used to mean “good,” “naff” meant “bad,” and “zhoosh” was used to describe something stylish or attractive.

One of the key features of Polari was its use of rhyming slang, where words were substituted with phrases that rhymed with the original word. For example, “lallies” meant legs, “riah” meant hair, and “vada” meant look.

One of the most famous examples of Polari in popular culture is the British radio and TV show “Round the Horne,” which featured two characters, Julian and Sandy, who spoke almost entirely in Polari. Their use of the language helped to bring it into the mainstream and introduced it to a wider audience.

However, as societal attitudes towards LGBTQ+ individuals began to evolve and gay rights movements gained traction, Polari began to fall out of use. It was seen as outdated and no longer necessary in a more accepting society.

Despite this decline, efforts have been made to document and preserve Polari as a part of queer history and culture. The Polari Mission, a London-based nonprofit organization, has worked to compile a dictionary of Polari terms and educate people about its importance in LGBTQ+ history.

Unlocking the secrets of Polari allows us to better understand the struggles and triumphs of the LGBTQ+ community throughout history. It serves as a reminder of the creativity and resilience of marginalized individuals who found ways to communicate and connect despite facing immense discrimination.

By learning about Polari and its significance, we can honor the legacy of those who came before us and ensure that their stories are not forgotten. It is a language that speaks to the strength and resilience of queer culture, and its secrets are worth uncovering and celebrating.

By mike