Polari is a form of slang that was historically used in the LGBTQ+ community in Britain. It was a secret language that allowed gay men to communicate with each other without being understood by those outside of their community. Although Polari has largely fallen out of use in recent decades, its influence can still be seen in modern LGBTQ+ culture.

One of the ways in which Polari has influenced modern LGBTQ+ culture is through its use of coded language. Polari allowed gay men to talk openly about their identities and experiences while still maintaining a level of secrecy and protection. This use of coded language has carried over into modern LGBTQ+ culture, where terms like “queen,” “drag,” and “coming out” have specific meanings within the community that may not be immediately apparent to those outside of it.

Polari also helped to create a sense of unity and solidarity within the LGBTQ+ community. By using a unique language that was only understood by other members of the community, gay men were able to form closer bonds and create a sense of shared identity. This sense of unity is still evident in modern LGBTQ+ culture, where events like Pride parades and LGBTQ+ organizations serve as a way for people to come together and celebrate their identities.

Additionally, Polari played a role in shaping the camp aesthetic that is often associated with LGBTQ+ culture. The use of exaggerated language and flamboyant gestures in Polari helped to create a sense of drama and theatricality that has become a defining characteristic of the LGBTQ+ community. This camp aesthetic can be seen in everything from drag performances to queer cinema and fashion.

Overall, the influence of Polari on modern LGBTQ+ culture is undeniable. The use of coded language, sense of unity, and camp aesthetic that were present in Polari continue to shape the way that LGBTQ+ individuals express themselves and connect with one another. While the language itself may have fallen out of use, its impact on the community is still felt today.

By mike