Polari is a unique form of slang that was used by the LGBTQ+ community in the United Kingdom, particularly in the mid-20th century. It was a secret language that allowed members of the community to communicate with each other without being understood by outsiders. Despite falling out of common use in recent years, Polari still holds a special place in LGBTQ+ history and culture.

The origins of Polari can be traced back to the early 19th century, when it was used by performers in British music halls and circuses. Over time, it evolved into a language used by gay men in London and other urban areas. Polari borrowed words from various languages, including Italian, Yiddish, and Romani, and combined them with rhyming slang and code words to create a complex and colorful language.

Polari was used as a way for LGBTQ+ individuals to communicate with each other discreetly in a society that was largely hostile to their identities. It allowed them to form a sense of community and solidarity, and to share information and experiences with each other. Polari was also a way for LGBTQ+ individuals to express themselves creatively and humorously, using wordplay and innuendo to convey their thoughts and feelings.

In the mid-20th century, Polari reached the height of its popularity, thanks in part to its use by characters on the BBC radio program “Round the Horne” and the TV show “Are You Being Served?” These mainstream depictions of Polari helped to bring it into the mainstream and gave it a wider audience.

However, as LGBTQ+ rights and visibility increased in the latter half of the 20th century, Polari began to fall out of use. The language was no longer needed as a secret code, and younger generations of LGBTQ+ individuals preferred more open and direct forms of communication. Today, Polari is mainly used as a historical curiosity or as a way for LGBTQ+ individuals to connect with their cultural heritage.

Despite its decline, Polari remains an important part of LGBTQ+ history and culture. It is a reminder of the struggles and triumphs of LGBTQ+ individuals in the past, and a testament to the creativity and resilience of a marginalized community. By understanding the history and legacy of Polari, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the cultural contributions of LGBTQ+ individuals and the ways in which they have carved out a space for themselves in society.

By mike