Barbados is not unlike other Caribbean Islands in the sense that it is not socially liberal towards the gay community. In fact, homosexuality is considered illegal in Barbados, however this law is not enforced if behavior is maintained as discreet. However, due to the advent and increase in popularity with gay cruise lines, Barbados and the nightlife in Barbados gay bars has become increasingly popular for the gay traveler. The attractiveness of the location lies in the lifestyle and easy going nature of the Barbadians and, of course, the inevitable sunshine!

There is no reason that the conservative stance of Barbados and the Caribbean Islands should deter you from a vacation in Barbados. This is especially true because cruise lines that cater specifically to the gay traveler will have an abundance of information on gay friendly activities and nightlife. Some cruise lines will even set up port in Barbados and open their own intimate gay bars for travelers on the cruise ship. Its better to spend a little time on the net doing some basic research since a number of companies have started offering this type of holiday and the prices vary widely across the different companies.

Activities that you can enjoy in Barbados are many, and this is why Barbados enjoys visits from so many return travelers, even from the gay community. You will enjoy surfing, windsurfing, and wreck diving. You will also enjoy a nightlife where you can choose from disco or jazz bars and openly enjoy yourself with the rest of the gay community. What surprises some visitors is that apparent laid back attitude in the Caribbean Islands is not translated to the same easy going approach when it comes to the gay community.

If you are looking for accommodation in Barbados, you may be surprised to find that smaller locales that offer a more intimate setting will be more gay friendly than larger hotels and resorts. Small bed and breakfasts are located all over Barbados and offer gay travelers a welcome place to lay their head, and often in a much more affordable manner. Owners and operators of these establishments will also be able to direct you to the hottest Barbados gay bars on the island. The name of the game is to be discreet, and if you manage this then you will find that you will be openly welcomed to the islands with characteristic warmth and friendliness.

Source by Mirna Khoury

By mike