What is gender dysphoria (formerly gender identity disorder or GID)? What is it like to have gender dysphoria? Do you have to have gender dysphoria to be transgender? Is it required? Is it required to receive any sort transgender-affirming medical treatment (HRT, SRS, GCS, FFS, etc.)? Tune in to find out more.
#GenderDysphoria #Dysphoria #MTF
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#checkin #LGBT #LGBTQ #transgender #MTF #trans #chloeconnection
Playlist for SRS & Breast Augmentation videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn7jdrD35CcFVMK1MYvmnCGZy5nA4bcN8
Playlist for FFS videos: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn7jdrD35CcGL4c6tZEHPuckGCSofbsYX
Playlist on Discovering My Trans Identity and Coming Out: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn7jdrD35CcGmSnI3H0cx7vm0ta0uDpL1
Playlist on Hormones, Sexuality, and Other Experiences: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn7jdrD35CcFHwVhtXJVD2yGmacNjXQlR
Movie Review Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLn7jdrD35CcF3WT_rxK29aAPo5nYLao0W