To mark International Women’s Day, March 8, 2022, hosted an unprecedented virtual event in collaboration with Harvard Business School Professors Karim Lakhani and Tsedal Neeley. The event was a one-stop, strategic business primer on AI, presented for a generalist, executive audience interested in Africa.

Part One:
Yes, that Machine Algorithm is Biased
A fascinating presentation on how implicit racist and sexist biases are built into today’s AI algorithms, and the resulting implications for the use of AI among Africans and women.

Part Two:
How is AI Changing the Industries Most Important to Africa?
Global experts in AI will share their knowledge on the latest developments within the key industries important to Africa: financial services, telecoms, natural resources, agriculture, and technology. Among the speakers on these topics are the senior executives who oversee the adoption of artificial intelligence for some of the world’s largest corporations.

Part Three:
Digital Mindset:
A.I. is the easy part;
How do you get your African company to transition to a digital-first world?
A conversation among two Harvard Business School professors about the toughest part of adopting AI: not the technology itself, but the organizational change that it demands. Professor Tsedal Neeley, author of the soon to be published book, “Digital Mindset,” in conversation with Professor Karim Lakhani about what it takes for a CEO to lead an organization through change to a digital-first, AI-driven organization.

Part Four:
Women CEOs on Artificial Intelligence
The final session, is a series of short presentations by leaders from the 2022 Definitive List of Women CEOs, speaking about how their companies are using AI in Africa today.

Speaker Information is available here:
