Katie Herzog is a culture writer and journalist known for her podcast Blocked and Reported, which she hosts with Jesse Singal. They talk about all sorts of culture war themes and bizarre, weird topics from the internet. She lost her friends from woke culture and trans ideology after writing an article for The Stranger on gender dysphoria, woke culture and cancel culture explained. We chat about everything from transgender in sport and how it feels to be cancelled to Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson.

Sign up for bonus segments: http://patreon.com/andrewgold

#katieherzog #cancelculture #transideology

Katie Herzog links:

Blocked and Reported: https://podfollow.com/1504298199

The Stranger article on detransitioning: https://www.thestranger.com/features/2017/06/28/25252342/the-detransitioners-they-were-transgender-until-they-werent

Andrew Gold links:



0:00 Katie Herzog’s De-Trans Article in The Stranger
7:00 Take-Down Articles About Katie Herzog (by bots?)
14:11 Accepting Progressive Changes
18:29 Trans in Sports
22:58 Caitlin Jenner & Lived Experience
26:27 Judith Butler is UNREADABLE
31:14 How it feels to be cancelled
38:54 Can you say the N-Word?
45:20 The Right-Left Dichotomy
46:41 Has Graham Linehan gone too far?
51:46 Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro: Religious Secularists?
