Ash Hardell’s Channel:

Ash’s Video I’m responding to:

Ashley Wylde’s Channel:

Ashley’s video I’m responding to:

(Please let me know if I got either if your pronouns wrong.)

I cannot stress how much positive influence attending an in-person offline trans support group had on my life, it was immensely helpful. More on that here:
Non-Binary Support Groups

Also in this video I talk more about trans things than about people calling others fat. I think for the latter, you can’t stop people calling you fat, but you can create positive associations with the word in your mind until it doesn’t feel like an insult. People did this with gay, I used to get called “gay” or “lesbian” and get upset, now people say that to me and I go “hell yeah I am!”
We’ve reclaimed these words, the same can be done for other words. And there’s nothing wrong with fat people or fat bodies, they’re awesome and don’t need to be fixed or changed. People are beginning to identify as fat and there’s a strong push for a body positive movement.
I’m not qualified to talk further on this topic, but for further research would recommend the book:
“The Fat Studies Reader ”
by Esther Rothblum (Editor), Sondra Solovay (Editor), Marilyn Wann (Foreword)

