A reading of my multigenre piece “Be As Gay As You Want,” performed at the Haunting: Places We Dwell senior reading on 4/11/18 at SUNY Geneseo’s Doty Tower Hall. An exploration of queerness, love, and gender.

This video includes my reading and the following Q&A session.

Haunting (v.): To visit regularly; to be constantly present.

We invite you to join us for William Antonelli, Lizzie Pellegrino, and Gab Basile’s senior reading, held on April 11th in the Doty Tower Room. This reading, a presentation of writing that each author has been working on all semester, will be an exploration of all the things that haunt us—the people, places, and ideas that stick in our minds, and inhabit our art. Spanning across fiction, non-fiction, and poetry, we hope to confront the concept of identity head on, and hopefully discover—or recover—something of ourselves in the process.

This event is the third in the SUNY Geneseo Creative Writing Department’s yearly Senior Readings series.
