Welcome to UEA’s Inaugural Lectures spring series 2021. Join us online to hear about cutting-edge research from UEA’s newest professors, covering topics affecting all areas of living today.

Queerying families: contested belonging in a neoliberal age
Prof Christine Cocker – School of Social Work

An experience of ‘family’ is common to us all, and yet is different for each of us. That said, there are some family forms that many societies find more challenging. In this presentation, Prof Cocker will talk about her work with families in which belonging is somehow contested or is seen as different – perhaps because of the sexuality or gender of the parents and/or the non-biological link between children and parents who look after them. She’ll explain that by challenging these ideas and becoming more inclusive in our thinking about ‘belonging’, we can foster stronger relationships with each other and our communities.

The next lecture in the series is on Tuesday 22 February. Listen to Prof Jo Clarke’s lecture titled ‘Archaeology, heritage and climate change: how recent research is influencing international policy agendas’. For more information visit: https://bit.ly/Clarke-Facebook
