TUT- Time under tension. 4/2/1 tempo DB incline chest press. 4 second eccentric (negative), 2 second isometric (pause), 1 second concentric (postive) superset with incline DB flys #chestday #chestworkout #arm #armworkout #dumbbellworkout #dumbbell #strong #fitness #fit #strengthchallenge #strengthtrain #mentalhealth #mensworkout


TUT- Time under tension. 4/2/1 tempo DB incline chest press. 4 second eccentric (negative), 2 second isometric (pause), 1 second concentric (postive) superset with incline DB flys #chestday #chestworkout #arm #armworkout #dumbbellworkout #dumbbell #strong #fitness #fit #strengthchallenge #strengthtrain #mentalhealth #mensworkout

♬ Taste – Tyga

Tiktok by Ferris Fitness

By mike