Location Mechanicsburg, PA.
~ Condenser Microphone Cracks & Crunches
~ Quiet Face Paper & Quiet Office = ASMR
~ Mindfully Placed Ads ~ Relax
~ Chiropractic Sleep Time Remedy

This mornings yoga feels like a 360

But at least it’s not a 180

In regards to patient care, the term used to describe the course of an illness or condition is…


it’s when the practitioner says to a patient one of the following…

“don’t even worry we got this”


“maybe we’ll see”


“here’s a referral”

never, ever should a doctor say…

“Nothing can be done”

something can always be done


In many instances when a patient reaches the end of medicines reach

they are often recommended to try meditation

mindful meditation is well documented in the scientific literature for its effective use in the management of pain



why are we ending with that?

Sure… let’s start off with medication, injections, and surgery

Speaking of endings, I missed the groundhog yesterday on 02/02/2022

What did he say?

Are we headed to a thaw and a watery spring?

Or back to the ice?

“OK Campers, rise and shine! And don’t forget your booties cuz it’s cold out there today”

“Ned Ryerson!”


but apparently, there’s a winter storm coming so…

Just like all the other sensationalized weather stories I’ve heard over the last few decades

We’re about to get “Crushed” by the major “Threat” of Landon as he “Surges” towards the East Coast


When a person is lost, and they’re looking at another person for direction… regardless of their relationship status… Doctor-Patient/ Co-workers/ Friends/ Lovers/ whatever… it’s the responsibility of the person with the most experience to say…

“I’ve been on this road before, I know where it goes and when it turns and when it gets steep and when we have to climb… we’re going to be fine”

Bc I believe a full 360 is rare… we don’t actually go full circle.

It’s more like a spiral…

you’re in a similar place as before but most likely expanded from your previous position… how could you not be? Didn’t you learn a whole bunch on that trip around the circle?

Oh, the storm wasn’t so bad

Oh, turns out I will be just fine

Oh, I get to try again at this thing called life?

Oh… this is love, too?




360 degrees is HOT


I digress and express in what some call finesse

bc we rest and undress when it’s time to profess

Even if you’re a guest you can help clean the mess

while u digest

Life isn’t always fresh or full of zest, I guess

But the best never rest and to that, I’ll confess

to slack, to me is in jest of success

but nevertheless, we are blessed

So try not to stress if you acquiesce

instead, let’s coalesce

in faithfulness

I love you so so so so so much and YES

I make these videos for you! Me! And my progeny

Our family is everyone on earth in unity

TBH… I have to admit… on days when the prescription description is written from whatever sector of my brain that holds all the human health and beingness knowledge that has accumulated over the last decade’s long journey of learning in a time frame that I care not to actualize in specificity for lack of acceptance in this process we call “age”… but at the same time really just writing about my personal life in disguise with anecdotal evidence and stories that stuck to my neurons…

I feel like Doogie Houser

Thanks for watching “Perfect Cracking Back Video & MEGA ASMR Crunchy Spine* ASMR.”


quality not quantity

don’t push

let it come

slow down


thank you
