Tammy Plunkett (she/her) left her career as a registered nurse to stay home and raise her four children. It turned out that she could only take so much Sesame Street and returned to her first love – writing. After her third child came out as transgender, she focused her work on helping parents of transgender kids. Her next book, Beyond Pronouns: The Essential Guide for Parents of Trans Kids, is due in the summer of 2022.

Kiersten Mohr (she/her) is a speaker, advocate and openly transgender woman in Alberta. After two decades as a geologist and leader in the energy industry, she was inspired and empowered by the positive experience of her gender transition and now passionately uses her visibility and voice to promote positive public awareness and inclusion of transgender and gender diverse individuals.

Introduction – Gender Diversity 101

How do you trust a child to know? Is it a phase?

Is my child okay (medical, psychological, acceptance)?

Where do I start (do we wait until they are 18) and how do I support the transition process?

How does a community (school, city programs, extended family, etc.) support a transgender child?

How do I communicate the change in an affirming, supportive way?
