To mark World AIDS day – Join the cast and crew of ‘Their Story Your Choice’, an interactive soap opera about HIV stigma available for free on YouTube. Produced for the Terrence Higgins Trust.
Dealing with issues including:
How to come out as HIV positive.
People weaponising your HIV status and using it against you.
And men who have sex with men who don’t identify as being gay.
Starring a host of well known faces, written and produced by Brown Boy Productions and funded by Public Health England and Comic Relief.
Here, the cast and crew talk about why they think the films are important and why they were inspired to make them.
Produced and directed by Leon Lopez.
Produced by John Pickard and Ashley Campbell.
Music by Myles Knox-Renshaw
You can find the films here:
Mary and Thomas
Josh and Simone
Della and Otis
Kwame and Nabil
And to find out more go to:
#HIV #stigma #TerrenceHigginsTrust #WorldAidsDay #SoapOpera #Drama #PublicHealthEngland #ComicRelief