It is almost the end of this year and the beginning of another. Did you manage to reach your New Year’s Resolutions from this last year? Are you planning some more for the coming year? Many people set resolutions at the beginning of each year, only to find that they never really accomplish them. Why? What can you do this year to ensure you actually make those changes in your life?

New Year’s Resolutions Are Often Not Specific

The first problem with New Year’s Resolutions that often stops people meeting them is that they are not specific. You decide to make a change but you don’t really set a date for it or work out how you are going to accomplish this and as a result you never really make a start, or if you do it doesn’t usually last long enough to see any real results.

New Year’s Resolutions May be Too Large

Apart from not being specific, New Year’s resolutions can also often be too large and not accomplishable in themselves. Large goals should always be broken down into smaller, more achievable tasks in order to be accomplished and so your resolutions should also be broken down into more attainable tasks.

Do You Have Enough Desire Behind Your Resolutions?

Sometimes we set New Year’s resolutions just for the sake of setting them, without any real, burning desire on our part to achieve them. Unless you really want to accomplish what you set out to and can see the end result and why you want to do it then you will not be likely to achieve it.

The Answer

Instead of setting New Year’s Resolutions this year try to set SMART goals. Goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and that have a time limit. Break these goals down into smaller goals that can be accomplished within a few months and even smaller ones that you can accomplish this week.

New Year’s resolutions are often vague and unachievable, but goals that have a specific deadline, are broken down into smaller goals and are specific and with a specific purpose will be a lot easier to accomplish.

Source by Mandy Buchanan

By mike