The New Year is right around the corner. It is almost time to review 2008’s achievements and look ahead to 2009’s dreams. So, why wait? Why not get a jump on the New Year and kick into high gear with dreams, resolutions and daily goals today? With that in mind, I’m personally committed to getting back on track with one of my Lifetime Resolutions: Exercise. I’m renewing my pledge to exercise for at least 30-minutes each day by walking, biking, swimming, working out with weights, and doing Yoga. I enjoy exercise and make it a priority in my life, but alas time is limited, so sweating for health and happiness occasionally hits the back burner. In 2006, and again earlier this year, I took a break from a variety of projects and reduced my daily work-outs both in number and duration. My body, mind and soul were shouting “lighten the load”, so I scaled back to avoid burn-out. A few months later I was rested and ready to go full throttle. Taking a break, and making a course correction, as it turns out, was a wise decision. The moral to this story: A flexible plan and long-term determination are equally important if you truly want to make and keep New Year Resolutions.

My passion burns brightly for all of my commitments: My business, friends, family, health, exercise, writing and photography projects, my Resolution Project, and so on. My days are long, my list is longer. I’m a serial goal-setter and I have made and kept New Year resolutions for most of my life. I don’t make a resolution, fulfill it (or give up on it), and move on. I ‘make and keep my resolutions for life’ and I ‘enjoy the journey’. My resolutions become part of me and my lifestyle – Lifetime Resolutions. Daily exercise is just one of my Lifetime Resolutions. Excelling at photography and writing are two other important Lifetime Resolution that have been with me since I was a kid because they provide great reward, satisfaction and happiness.

My point: Just because you are occasionally forced to take a break from a resolution, or dream, does not mean that you have to give up altogether. Throughout tough times you have to be flexible, plan creatively, and maintain faith, hope, optimism, and a positive attitude. With that strategy you can smoothly move forward with your dreams resolutions and daily goals when you are past the obstacles.

When you are past the obstacles and make course corrections, you have to be realistic about ‘what you can achieve’ and ‘the speed at which you can succeed’. As I mentioned, I made a decision to get back on track with my resolution to exercise for at least 30-minutes each day. Instead of going from a few work outs each week to seven all at once, I plan to gradually increase the number, duration and intensity of my work-outs. I am setting the bar at a reasonable height and giving myself a realistic short-term goal. I don’t intend to get overwhelmed and discouraged. I understand that I can’t go from zero-to-60-miles-per-hour overnight and it is working. I feel great about my work outs (both mentally and physically) and I’m gearing up well in advance of the New Year, so that I can build the enthusiasm, momentum, and motivation that is necessary to get me through the long, dark, cold months of winter.

If you need to get back on track with your own resolution – maybe a resolution that you made in January of 2008 – be kind to yourself. Challenge yourself, but don’t set the bar too high. Be realistic about what you can achieve and when you can achieve it. Take small daily steps. Stay committed. Be patient, passionate and persistent. In time you will be handsomely rewarded.

Remember: I Resolve To . . . Achieve My New Year Resolutions, One Resolution, One Day At A Time For One Year. It’s your choice. Do it today. Turn your resolution into reality in five simple, common sense steps: Dare To Dream, Decide, Define, Develop A Plan, and Do It Daily. Make your resolution a permanent Lifetime Resolution, something that’s with you for good! Above all, Be A Resolutionista, someone who makes resolutions, keeps resolutions, and enjoys the journey! Let’s Go For It!

Source by Kim Simpson

By mike