Are addictions bad? Why? According to the habit model of addiction, they are. Ah ha! But what is the habit model of addiction? An addiction is a persistent behavioral pattern marked by a psychological dependency that causes significant disruption and negatively impacts the quality of life.

Addictions are frequently linked to substance abuse. But that is not half the picture! You can be addicted to song, laughter, decency and honour. There are some great people out there! But seriously – this day and age; we all know what is good, and what is bad for us. Drugs such as narcotics, stimulants, and sedatives among others. Oh great! “Well let’s have a go and see if we can get addicted shall we?” It is all about discipline. People – yes you! – must get a grip. Life is too short to get addicted to a passing fad. You must always be in control of your destiny. I have seen TV shows about fat American people addicted to Pizza. Please stop! Stop eating pizza all of the time! Pizza is nice – now and again – but not all the time.

People who smoke feel persecuted. While smoking is not illegal (at least not yet), it is shunned by society as a whole – because it smells!. That’s right! Is stinks!! Tell people who you know to stop smoking! Do them a favour – it is horrible. A few years ago, you could smoke anywhere. Expecting fathers smoked in the maternity waiting rooms. Remember when you could smoke in aeroplanes? Then, there came designated smoking rooms. Then there came the designated smoking area outside the building. Society is suggesting to the people who smoke – ‘Is this not a bad idea?” Now restaurants, bars, and whole cities are going smoke-free. Hooray I say! My children will not be exposed to that horrible habit!

Sleeping pills are bad habits to get into as well. Do you need sleeping pills to sleep at night? Why? If you are not tired enough to sleep; then you have not produced enough during the day. Come on! Get a grip! Sleeping pills are not required if you are not sleepy. If you are sleepy – then you will sleep. And stop feeling sorry for yourself. Some people overdose in an attempt to reach a dose that will put them to sleep. It usually takes intervention by a doctor and/or a sleep clinic to straighten them out. Pathetic isn’t it?

Alcohol can be a bad habit if you drink to excess. For some people with certain physical conditions, it can be risky anyway. Well HELLO! It can be dangerous if mixed with particular medications. Obviously! Who does not know that? However, if a person is addicted to alcohol, they will not be concerned with that. Neither will they be concerned about their jobs or their relationships. It will all be about the next drink. So; if that person has any fortitude or feeling of self worth; – he / she will take a step back and say: no – for the people I love!

Drugs pose a variety of bad habits. There are so many illegal drugs that they are too numerous to count. Some drugs have fast and devastating results. Others do little damage in the short run. Yet, they are all bad habits. There are club drugs, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and hallucinogens. All these drugs can be nasty. There are also legal drugs that people get into bad habits with by starting with an injury or other medical condition.

Personally, I am addicted to speed. Whether on a push bike going down a steep hill, wind in my hair, tears in my eyes; or on skis, on a beautiful, crisp alpine morning. What would you like to be addicted to?

Source by P. Martin

By mike