This time of year as people are battling the belly bulge and bulging credit card balances, millions well intended folks make numerous lofty resolutions for the upcoming year. If you are one of these people looking to make changes in your life…
Have a Plan
Just simply wanting change will not facilitate change. You need to have a plan. Write down all the steps in the path that will take you to your goal. Break the year down into quarters. Then make a daily list, a weekly list, and a monthly list. You’d be surprised that by accomplishing those little things every day that they add up to great results over time.
Stay Resolute
Most people fail because they defeat themselves. It’s not anyone else. It’s not other outside forces. It’s the excuses and reasons people create that sabotages their best laid plans. We are our own person. No-one is responsible for us other than ourselves. If you start to make excuses, if you fall off the wagon you only have yourself to blame. Remember your goal, remember why it is you want to accomplish that goal and don’t let your fear be your master.
Live Passionately and Intensely
Whatever your goal is pursue it with an intense passion. Give everything you have to realizing that dream. You owe it to yourself to do what is necessary to be your best. Remember your effort and perseverance is a direct reflection of you. Love who you are, love the transformation process, and love taking the opportunity to do something new.
In order to achieve something you have never done you’re going to have to do things you never have. Resolutions are usually made because people are looking to change something about themselves. It’d an opportunity to take a new approach, and to do things new ways. It isn’t the resolution that is so much the focus, but the change in you that will make all the difference.