Smoking is extremely injurious to health. It has many long-term ill effects. The truth about smoking is that it is harmful to your life in many different ways. These hazards of smoking include:
Nicotine present in your cigarette is the main cause for cancer of lungs, stomach, mouth, and esophagus. It also affects your kidneys adversely.
Sexual Functions
Smoking affects body sexual organs in males and females. Men suffer from erectile dysfunction while women develop infertility. Pregnant women who smoke can suffer miscarriage or cause irreparable harm to fetus. Children born to smoking mothers have lower birth weights. These children have a high risk of asthma, respiratory problems, and chronic ear infections right from their birth.
High Toxicity
Cigarette smoke contains numerous toxic chemicals that damage and affect your body organs severely. It increases triglyceride levels in body. The toxic level in your bloodstream continues to build up. This reduces oxygen levels in body and you develop associated problems like breathlessness, premature wrinkling of skin, and faster aging. Blood pressure and cholesterol levels increase.
Fatal Diseases
Smokers expose themselves to a high risk of fatal diseases like heart ailments, kidney ailments, strokes, etc. Smokers are twice more vulnerable to these diseases than nonsmokers. If women smokers over the age of thirty-five are on birth control pills, they stand a very great risk of strokes and heart attacks.
Smoking may decrease your chances of getting hired. Most workplaces are smoke-free environments. Smokers become tense and irritated if they are unable to smoke for long hours. Hence, companies may prefer not to hire them.
Passive Smokers
Hazards of smoking also affect your family and children. They are passive smokers as they live and breathe the same air mingled with cigarette smoke. Passive smokers suffer frequent respiratory disorders and have low immunity levels. Normally such children grow up to be smokers thereby destroying their health. This is another truth about smoking; it can also damage the lives of the ones you love most.