When thinking about how to make a real difference in your daily life, you have to take a look at your current habits and what is holding you back. Have you ever noticed that most days look the same and you happen to feel the same way about it week in and week out? For example, I noticed that every Monday I felt dreadful because I knew it was the starting day to get everything I needed to get done for the week. My planner is filled with tasks and I also noticed that when I completed these tasks, that I didn’t necessarily feel like I was one step closer to my dreams being accomplished.
Ask yourself, “What is holding me in my daily habits that prevents me from getting closer to my end goal?” For me it was a lack of vision in the beginning of the day and week. Meaning, I didn’t spend any time thinking about what it was that I wanted to accomplish by the end of the day or the week.
I noticed that I looked to my planner everyday to find out what had to be done, but my planner lacked any real structure to accomplish my dreams and that was because I didn’t put any time in my planner to clarify my dreams.
Dreams can be anything small or big. I decided to start small and think of a dream or goal I wanted to accomplish by the end of the week.
Once you have done this, spend every morning of that week imagining what Saturday is going to feel and look like when the dream is accomplished. What will people say, how will you feel, what will you see with your eyes?
After imagining for a while, go about your day attending to those tasks to accomplish your goal.
You will find the visioning the end of week dream will give you natural motivation to do your daily tasks with ease.
Once you have perfected this habit to your satisfaction, then you can extend your dreams out to a month, then 3 months, then 6 months, then a year.
This process makes achieving your dreams a realistic reality rather than something that may or may not happen a year from now.