Erectile dysfunction is a condition which is found in men. It makes men powerless to have a healthy sex life. Erectile dysfunction can be cured in two ways i.e. medication and change in lifestyle. Drugs like Silagra, Apcalis and etc. help in treating erectile dysfunction. Lifestyle changes like exercising, quitting smoking, diet control, reducing stress levels etc help in faster relief from erectile dysfunction.

An erectile dysfunction or impotency in men is treated with the combination of Tadalafil present in Apcalis Oral Jelly. This element helps by supplying the flow of blood into the male sexual organ. It relaxes the blood vessels in the penis allowing the blood flow. Apart from medication, here are a few lifestyle changes that can help you deal with erectile dysfunction.

1. Quit Smoking:

It is very difficult to quit smoking. Different approaches work for different people. Some of the approaches that help you kick the buds sooner are as follows:

Pick a date 2 to 3 weeks prior to date you quite. Prepare for the date by gradually cutting down on smoking, staying away from places where you smoke often and decide on a plan of action about how you going to deal stressful situations without smoking.

On your date to quite smoking, throw away all cigarette packets and buds, keep your mind constantly occupied and stay away from smoke free places.

Meet up with your doctor about a nicotine replacement therapy or a non nicotine prescription treatment.

The “once in a while smoke” is a secret NO.

Sit back and relax when you have a craving to smoke. Cravings usually go in a while.

Take help if necessary. Sometimes a single technique doesn’t help.

Be around people who motivate you to quit the habit.

2. Exercise

Regular exercise can improve your health in many ways apart from improving erectile dysfunction. Exercise can effectively solve a lot of health issues such as:

  • Improves stamina
  • Reduces excessive fat
  • Controls blood pressure
  • Improves sleep
  • Tones the muscles
  • Reduces heart and pulmonary disorders
  • Makes you more relaxed
  • Improves body posture
  • Reduces lethargy and depression
  • Improves metabolism

It is advised that you should exercise at least 30 to 45 minutes every day. Exercise should be a fun activity and not feel like a chore. Choose an activity you enjoy doing like cycling, swimming, aerobics, dancing etc. Have a set of 2 different exercises so that you don’t get bored. Exercise shouldn’t mean spending lavishly on expensive equipment or prestigious health club memberships unless you sure about using them appropriately. Most importantly, exercise regularly making it a part of your lifestyle.

3. Reducing Stress Levels.

Stress is the most common reason for erectile dysfunction. Our bodies deal with stress differently. The most effective way of dealing with stress is to identify the reason and finding ways to cope with it. Here are some of the ways to deal with stress:

  • Learning something new.
  • Have your “Me time” even if it is just for a few minutes.
  • Don’t have impractical expectations out of life.
  • Talk to your friends and family to gain perspective life.
  • Seek professional help to get you through difficult
  • Have a positive attitude towards things.
  • Believe in yourself
  • Accept that things cannot always be controlled
  • Eat a well balanced meal
  • Avoid smoking just because you are stressed
  • Exercise regularly
  • Limit caffeine and alcohol intake
  • Register yourself for a stress management class.
  • Don’t rely on medication or drugs to relieve you of your stress.

Source by Helly K Wilson

By mike