A quality resource for gay men to safely learn, teach and communicate about health issues with one another in the spirit of good health.

We want to help you get your mind, body and spirit on the same playing field. Our goal is to help gay men take a good long deep look on the inside at the same time, as pumping up their biceps. Happy mind = better looking biceps. Our community has far to much focus on physical appearance, leaving mental health issues hidden, ignored and something to be a shamed of. We say NO MORE.

We are searching for other health practitioners and doctors to share their specialties with us on Accidental Bear website and be featured. E-mail us at for more information.


In order to achieve overall health and a happier you, you need to start by looking inside first, which includes your mental health (depression, anxiety, body image etc) and nutrition.

“Gay and bisexual men and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent an incredibly diverse community. Gay and bisexual men have both shared and unique experiences and circumstances that affect their physical health and mental health needs as well as their ability to receive high-quality health services.” CDC…
