I noticed last year in 2018 everything didn’t go right for me. I noticed that I was constantly getting rejected by so many people. I noticed that even the people who I used to deal with and be friends with, I couldn’t deal with them anymore. It was horrible and the only people who I could deal with was my mom and some of my two Aunts. I noticed that it was so bad that everytime I talk to someone and we trade numbers, we talk good one day, and the next day they stop communicating with me. I noticed there where some people that I talk to me one day and we had a great conversation and all of sudden they stop communicating with me. I had to text them to tell them to lose my number and they would text me back quickly saying “why?” or say “okay,” and they would blame me for the situation and they would leave me alone. I didn’t understand why this happened to me and this happened over and over where I was scared to give out my number and I was scared to deal with people. I felt like I was the only one going through this. I kept praying to God and kept asking him why is this happening to me and I noticed that he told me that he was trying to mold me, he was trying to change me to something better. He was trying to make things uncomfortable so I can try to step out of my comfort zone.
It was so bad that I was crying and I couldn’t get that much sleep almost every night. I remember it was so bad that I found out that I had depression and it was horrible. I noticed it made my mood turned from happy to sad and it was so bad that I had to get a therapist and I had to call different crisis line numbers to talk to someone about what I was going through. I thank God that I did because it helped out a whole lot.
I noticed that it was so bad that I had thoughts of suicide and I tried to ignore it and I tried to get rid of it but my situation kept getting worse, it made it worse for me to deal with those thoughts of suicide. I remember the nights I couldn’t sleep I kept praying to God telling him that I wanted to end my life because of what I was going through but I didn’t have the guts to do it. I noticed God used someone to tell me don’t give up because he has a plan for me and it was a good one. I remember I had a friend who was like a father to me that he was suffering from Depression and the people who he thought he could trust turn against him to try to use him to get his insurance policy and I told him don’t give up keep trying but he couldn’t and he gave up and that hurt me but that situation motivated me to not give up but to keep trying and I made it through 2018 and now I’m still here and I’m still alive in 2019.
During those rough times, I kept asking God was it okay for me to be gay because I knew I was gay since I found out when I was 15 years old. I knew I liked women; but I wasn’t attracted to men. I tried to get into a relationship with them but it didn’t work for me so I stuck with talking with men and I been in relationship with some men. I remember I prayed to God about it and he never asked my question but he did tell me that I need to stop watching porn and fornicating and I agree with that. I remember in Leviticus 20:13 “If a man practices (uses) (sleeps around with another man) Homosexuality as the same like a woman, both of the men have committed an abomination (it is a sin to God) they must be put to death, for their blood is guilty of capital offense.
How can God change me and make me attractive to women not men I don’t get it? I remember in Matthew 19:26 “Jesus looked at them and said ‘With man, this is impossible, but with God, all things are possible.” I don’t know but I refuse to be with someone that I am not attractive to and that is not for me. I refuse to get with someone to try to impress someone.
I remember a church lady posted on her Instagram saying “If it was a sin 100 years ago, it’s still a sin today. Don’t water down the gospel with this offended generation.” I swear when I read this I was pissed because if God believed it was sin, then why wait a whole year before the end of June to tell me this? Why do some churches are okay with people being gay and why are the rest are against and they believe the devil made gay people I don’t get it? I feel like they are afraid to tell the truth because they are afraid be to deal with the consequences of it. If a person wants to speak the truth they are not afraid of the consequences that will happen but what do you think?
I noticed it was hard for me to find good friends and I kept telling God that I don’t have no friends and I remember he used Devon Franklin (Meagan Good’s husband) to tell me that God will help me find good friends that are right for me. I’m still having problems finding people like that in my area. If you like the video click the like button, leave a comment, subscribe to my channel, and share this video today.