Body Dysmorphia affects a large number of people that have extreme body image issues. While we mostly associate this condition with women, gay men and yes, even gay bears, are just as likely to experience body dysmorphia as well. I sadly am no exception as body dysmorphia has plagued my life. In this episode, Jake Briscoe a former strongman competitor, and I break down what it means to have body dysmorphia, why we develop it, and what we hope to see change for people and how they look at their bodies in the future.

Welcome to The Bear Share Show! Now on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, Instagram and Facebook.
I’m just a modern-day regular dude who also happens to be a gay bear. It amazes me how alone most of us feel, but we all surprisingly have more in common than you’d think. With no topic off limits, this podcast hopes to discuss real topics, and break down social misconceptions, all while at the same time showing us all how similar we really are.
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