The Janki Foundation Annual Lecture – Nov 2017: Presentation by Professor Dinesh Bhugra CBE, President of World Psychiatry Association (2014 to 2017) followed by a conversation with Sister Jayanti; Chaired by Neville Hodgkinson.
The cultures into which we are born and grow form a fundamental part of our sense of identity, and help to determine how we think and feel, and interact with one another. Sometimes an individual finds it hard to fit in with cultural demands, through inadequacies in their upbringing or circumstances. Cultures themselves, and the demands they put on us, may also become dysfunctional, such that millions suffer an extreme lack of self-worth, giving rise to widespread depression.
Social and medical help, and even just the learning that comes with life’s journey, can help to alleviate this risk.
But what are the expressions of depression in different cultural and religious contexts, and how might they be either over-estimated and over-medicalised, or underestimated and ignored?
Professor Bhugra, President of the World Psychiatric Association, explored examples from around the world to illustrate the cultural impact of depression, and how spirituality can be used to help people suffering from it.