About this episode:

In a society like Nepal, it is not easy to come out as gay in such a stigmatized society.. It is even more hard for a teenage boy to come out and face the camera and tell everyone who he really is as a person. We thank this brave soul for coming on the show and expressing what thousands take to their graves.

About the Show:

NoFilter, as the name suggests, is a show that with raw conversations and no filters. Tapping into emotions, relationships and things which are often left unsaid, No Filter bridges the gap in the context of meaningful conversations and expressions. In a world full of depression, gaps in communication and mental well-being, No Filter portrays confessions, relations and reactions in the hope of a closer, friendlier and a more positive world.

The Team:

Biraj Singh Chhetri

Niroj Shrestha
Shashwat Parajulee
Prashant Shrestha

Production Coordinator
Shubhashish Shah

Prasiddha Dawadi
Anjan Karki
