There are a lot of guys out there that want to find out effective ways to increase penis and girth size. This may due to the fact that they believe, they possess a smaller package compared to the average man. And unfortunately this often leads them to having a low-self esteem and a loss of confidence in bed. The most effective way on how to increase penis size and girth size with minimal cost and permanent results is through penis exercises. By achieving a longer and thicker penis men could essentially become better in bed while boosting their self esteem and confidence.

Caution Note: If you are not consistent with the penis exercises you will not achieve the results you want as quickly as you want them to. These work just like any other workout – dedicate yourself and be consistent with the penis “workout” and you will very soon see an improvement.

Your penis, is a muscle, just like any other muscle in your body. It can be worked out and enhanced just like your biceps or abdominal muscles. Just because you were born with a smaller package doesn’t mean it’s impossible to increase both your penis size and girth. Your blood circulation will increase and that is important in order to achieve better erections that will be give your partner better satisfaction in bed.

You will only have to do a quick search on the internet on penis enlargement and you’ll be inundated with all the different ways to increase penis size – from pumps ( that work like a vacuum) to herbal pills, devices and other medications. At this stage you are more confused by all the different options – natural or otherwise – in order to increase your penis size and girth.

But I can tell you that the safest and most efficient natural way on how to increase penis size ( which also improves girth size) through working out the muscles in your penis. Exercises such as PC flex and the jelq technique are probably the most effective. The very first thing you need to work on is to increase the blood circulation through your penis during an erection. Always start off by performing a warm up: simply wrap your penis around a warm towel for 1-3 minutes and finish off the exercise routine by doing the same.

If you increase the blood circulation towards your penis muscles then it will encourage the growth of new cells and tissues which in return will make your penis grow longer and thicker.

Source by Jake T. Power

By mike