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We love to hear all kind of stories, but only the best ones will be animated. We just have one ground rule – your story needs to be REAL.

Ok, so me and my Mom, well, we’re sort of close. But she is very strong on her beliefs, so
trying to get her to be open minded about different things is hard. So, it was a couple of
weeks ago. Me and my mom are in a car during terrible traffic and we’re talking… And I
brought up someone and I was like “Oh, you know what? They may be Bi. Or you know, they
may be Pan and that’s ok.” My mom asked “What’s Pan?” And I was like “Oh, boy…”

So, I tried to explain to her, but the more I explained it, the more NOT into the idea she got. And then she she started thinking that ALL gay people were very rude to straight people like “Oh, so we’re not special?” And I’m like “No no no, we’re not saying that…” But, you know, it kinda escalated into her being straight and thinking that gay people do not respect straight people. I tried to explain her that that wasn’t the case, but she would not believe me. At that point I was so infuriated that I didn’t want to deal with this conversation so I thought that if I told her that I was bi then she would, you know, be a bit more open minded to the idea. So I told her in a heat of the moment – “Well, I’m Bi” and she kinda just went “Why?”. And I didn’t know what to say to that. How do you reply to that? I was like – well, I’ve had crushes on other girls and I’ve been attracted to them and I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. And she’s just like “I think you’re just confused”. Yeah, no. I’ve been thinking about this for four years… Anyway, it was crazy and by the end we drove in silence.

And then the evening went by… And I went to bed, laying, trying to go to sleep. Like, “Ok, I
will sleep it off and see what happens”, but I overheard my parents talking and I knew I
should not have listened, but I couldn’t resist and the anxiety I was feeling made me want to throw up, so I went and I kinda listened to them and my mom was telling my dad the whole conversation. My dad wasn’t really talking and she was thinking that “Oh, I think, they’re just confused at this point, they haven’t been in a relationship, they don’t understand what love is, they don’t know what they really are”. I mean, we HAVE been in relationships and YOU KNOW how you feel and we have thoughts going on in our “empty” heads.
And after that, my dad’s reaction after her telling everything was… “Hmmmm. Kind of blows. I mean, she should know better. She knows our beliefs. She knows that it’s not ok with being catholic.”

There are so many places in the Bible, you know, that is so questionable. That, I mean, at
this point, is being Bi that big of a deal? Isn’t God supposed to love everyone? But even after I’ll try to explain it to my dad, he’s probably still gonna think the same. I hope that he will be understanding that, even though he has not really believed in being gay that, he will still care for me, and he’ll still hope that I can live on and find a relationship.

At first I really did feel ashamed of myself, but then a lot of people gave my great advice and told me not to believe what my parents tell me and believe in myself. And in a couple of years I’ll be off to college. And I’ll be free.

Animated by Meinart Animation Studio

#deardiary #truestory
