Doing mens kegal exercises will improve the overall health of your penis, increase hardness and increase your ability to last longer in bed. This works by contracting and strengthening your PC muscle and has many other benefits as well including:

  • Harder penis and longer lasting erections
  • Increases ejaculation volume
  • Stronger orgasms
  • More intense ejaculations
  • Increases shooting distance of ejaculation
  • Increases control of ejaculation
  • Greater sexual stamina
  • Male multiple orgasms

Your PC muscle is easy to find. When you are urinating, stop your urine in mid flow. The muscle that you use to stop urinating is called your PC muscle. To do kegel exercises, you simply contract your PC muscle when you are not urinating and hold this position for up to 5 seconds. At first you will probably only be able to hold it for 1 or 2 seconds, but as you do more you will strengthen this muscle and be able to hold them for longer periods of time.

Do not do kegels every day as you need to give it some rest between workouts. Do these only 3 to 4 days a week. For the first few weeks, do 50 kegels every other day and hold each one for 1 to 5 seconds depending on the strength of your muscle.

Kegels are simple to do and you can do them anytime anywhere. You can do them in your vehicle, at work, while waiting in line and while you’re surfing the web on your computer. Doing mens kegel exercises are an important part of any penis exercise program while also improving your sexual stamina.

Source by Blake Grant

By mike