There are many ways to insult someone with depression, without even trying very hard. The best way is to give them some unsolicited advice. Something that you think is simple, yet profound, and potentially life changing. But said in ignorance. Nothing cuts deeper to someone with depression, than when their illness, which is serious, is trivialized by another who doesn’t understand it.

Here are the some of the terrible things that people say:

“This is what life is like. Get used to it.”

“Life isn’t meant to be easy.”

“Just snap out of it!”

“Pull yourself together.”

“Who said that life is fair?”

“You just have to get on with things.”

“At least it’s not that bad.”

“Stop feeling sorry for yourself.”

“You have so many things. What do you have to feel down about?”

“You just need to cheer up.”

“Quit trying to be a martyr.”

“Stop taking all those medicines.”

“I know how you feel. I’ve been depressed for whole days at a time.”

“You don’t like feeling that way? So change it!”

These are my favorites:

“What you need is a good kick up the backside.”

“Go out and buy yourself some clothes. That will pick you up.”

“Are you sure you don’t have a mental problem?”

“How about I cook you a good meal. That will make things better.”

“Have you tried acupuncture?”

“Get a job!”

And the all time best:

“Why don’t you try not being depressed.”

Here is my list of positive things to say!

Source by James Bishop

By mike